A VR physics sandbox to bring out your imagination and creativity!
Our Vision
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, getting people to interact with one another, especially kids, have become a lot more difficult. Lots of platforms have started to implement online options such as preference with online chatting platforms like Discord or Zoom, and online gaming is booming with new players. Many people have grown used to the new preference for online options, that some of our old favorite hobbies we like to do with friends have become harder to do. Building LEGOs with friends was a favorite amongst many children, as it was great way to develop imagination and creativity in building structures and making stories. However, there are a lack of online options out there that allow the ability to reimagine those days of building structures with your own hands. This is what inspires our creation of Outsideln, a simulation aimed to bring back the magic of messing around with LEGOs with your friends in an immersive virtual environment.
Current Features
Our simulation involves two modes: Build and Interact.
Build Mode (Physics turned off):
-Spawn basic shapes (cubes, spheres, cylinders, ramps, etc.)
-Combine shapes together to form structure​
-Bring objects closer and further
-Pickup objects created and be able to turn them, rotate them, throw them, or move them around.
Interact Mode (Physics turned on):
-Use rocket launchers to destroy objects and showcase physic maneuvering on our objects.
-Add functionality to structures (rocket engine, vehicle seats, etc.)
About Us
This simulation was developed by 4 college students from the University of Michigan. This website contains weekly updates, video demonstrations, and pricing plans for our simulation software.
Our goal was to bring back the childhood wonder of playing games with your friends. LEGOs was a common favorite amongst the developers, and we hope that with our product, we can encourage more social interaction that got a little lost due to the pandemic. Our product is built on a player's creative process as it is what you make it be. This is perfect for kids, but even for people of all ages who just want to have the ability to build and model structures!
If interested in collaboration or have any questions about our product, please contact us at manners-boxwood-0t@icloud.com!